Sunday 4 March 2012

Iteration 1.1: Continued...

Bear with me, stuff kept me to busy this weekend to do what I needed to do.


  1. Thanks for bigbadwofl for pointing this out, I have no intention of including bears in my project and blog, I meant 'Bare' instead of Bear.
    I left it in the post to make a point that Bears is NOT to be included in this project, yet.

  2. You're welcome. Bears going unnoticed is the leading cause of projects missing deadlines (due to the sudden and violent death of the team members). However I think it wise that you're not excluding bears completely, doing this might lead to them feeling excluded and ultimately only making them more enraged and hungry for sweet sweet programmer meat.

  3. Lawl. Keep em bears in check is what I always say.

    1. I hang out with you fairly often and I can safely say that you never say that.

    2. I am fairly sure that is ONLY because you haven't "known" me since of March 05 2012. Even you have to admit how much change bears can bring into a man's life.

  4. Hope you get your bear problem taken care of, looking forward to the update. :)

  5. Thanks, I am unsure of when the next update might be. I am away for the next 2 weekends. (There is a remote chance I may get time to work on the "not quite a game yet" game.

  6. I just thought I'd say that "bear" IS the correct spelling. "Bare" is only used to indicate lack of covering, while "bear" has several meanings other than the animal; bearing fruit, for one, and, yes, bear with me for another.

    *snurk snurk snurk*

  7. Yes I see that you are right, please don't "bare" with me.
    Thanks XWolfHunter for pointing that out, having random people pitch up at my house with a lack of covering is definitely NOT the vision I have, had, or ever will have for this project.

  8. Has anybody had contact with Vartib since his site went down? I'm still kinda sad that he stopped. I did always love reading his posts. He had an awesome thing going. :(

    Anyway . . . so how's it going, Blanky? Been working on your project in secret? :)

    Oh, I decided to follow Vartib's lead and start developing in DarkBASIC Pro. The cube game I made was fun, but not really . . . well, I dunno. It was just not that great, really. I want above all else to be a programmer, as that's what really interests me, so my next project (Sort of a side-scrolling RPG, but not really - like a pseudo-RPG or something) will be more in-depth with programming and hopefully with higher-level programming techniques. Like AI. :D

    Anyway. That was all. See ya lates.

  9. Hey man, great to hear from you, I am glad to hear that you are still developing. Keep it on.

    I do not have any contact with Vartib, sorry.

    I haven't been working on the project at all, I had and have life leading me with a leash. I started my Honours degree again this year, I am doing a subject, Graphics which is really interesting and fun. I should probably blog about the work I am doing in the subject, I might do that.

    GL with the RPG game, I am sure it would be loads of fun, especially the AI part :) . AI is really an awesome field to get into.

    All the best.

    1. Yeah, do some blogging. It's pretty fun and relaxing. I enjoy it. I'd definitely keep up with your blog.

      Good luck in all your endeavors! :)
